Anaideia Capital live strategies

Last update: 2023-03-07 18:41:57.924940

Last data point: 2023-03-07 00:00:00

Anaideia BTC Altcoins
Total performance -17.49% -40.95% -50.35%
Yearly performance -20.21% -47.29% -58.16%

Hedging & Longing strategy with constant x2 leverage on BTC. This strategy uses 15% of AUM.

Hedging & Longing BTC
Total performance 66.19 - 192.48% -40.95%
Yearly performance 76.94 - 223.74% -42.34%
Annualized sharpe ratio 2.1111 -0.698669

De-risking & re-allocating altcoin portfolio. This strategy allocates between 66% and 85% of AUM.

De-risking & re-allocating Altcoins
Total performance -41.55% -50.35%
Yearly performance -47.99% -58.16%

Hedging & Longing (15%)

The green dots indicate LONG signals, red dots indicate SHORT signals, orange dots indicate STOP LONG signals and blue dots indicate STOP SHORT.
The blue line represents the % of total AUM allocated to a 2x position, where negative value represents a short position and positive value represents a long position.
The maximum exposure in both direction is 15%.

The positions are represented with horizontal green and red lines, together with the corresponding market percent change and absolute performance (in % of AUM).

De-risking & re-allocating (85%)

The green dots indicate DE-RISK signals and red dots indicate RE-ALLOCATE signals. The blue line represents the exposure in % of total AUM to the market (spot portfolio).
The maximum exposure is 85% and the minimum is 66%.