Anaideia - Blog

A Clear Top Signal

Market timing update.

This morning, our system triggered a clear SHORT signal while BTC is above 30.8k and ETH crossed 2.1k. So we are scaling in shorts on both.

watermarkBTC short trade
BTC short trade

BTC trade: first target is 26.6k, stop loss is at 34k, further targets go down to 22.7k.

ETH trade: first target is 1865, stop loss is at 2350, further targets go down to 1520.
The last time the system triggered a short entry was on February 17th as BTC was nearing 25k, we notified market timing subscribers on the same day and 21 days later, BTC had lost 20% (wicks below 20k).

watermarksince last update
since last update

Banking crisis: a new potential narrative for BTC.

In the image above, you can see what happened since our last update: on March 10th, the day of SVB bank run news, BTC found a local bottom. During that weekend, USDC depegged from 1$ due to fears induced by Circle's exposure to SVB, losing up to 11.5% against USD at the climax of fears. It was scheduled that Circle would enable withdrawals of USDC for USD 1:1 on the following Monday, and due to the uncertainty of the scheduled USDC bank run and the opacity of USDT reserves, we decided to move all our USDT to BTC during that weekend just to protect ourselves from a potential catastrophe over the following week.

That felt quite significant as it was the first time ever that we actually used BTC as store of value. In my opinion, the banking crisis, which is likely not over but instead merely postponed, will likely be a strong narrative adding to BTC's subsequent rallies. As a reminder, anything good for BTC is good for the rest of the crypto market as BTC gains tend to rotate into smaller areas of the crypto ecosystem.

Our entry plan.

watermarkEntry plan
Entry plan

As promised, we are sharing a snapshot of our entry plan into the Ethereum applications market. In the above image, the blue graph at the bottom is a weekly chart of TOTAL3, which represents the combined market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies, excluding BTC and ETH. We use TOTAL3 as a proxy for our long-term strategy portfolio, although we anticipate that our portfolio will significantly outperform TOTAL3. The upper candle chart shows TOTAL3/(BTC+ETH), which represents the dominance of TOTAL3 over BTC and ETH. It is particularly useful to visualise where we currently stand within the market cycle.

The annotations on the graph emphasize the striking similarity between the current cycle and the previous one. They also present a potential scenario for the upcoming months, indicating where we would enter under such circumstances. If we do get that entry, then our projection is 20x to 50x average gain over the long-term portfolio.

The structure should be ready by next month, which is great considering the scenario outlined above.

When ready, the ISIN will be CH1108676169.

One thing is certain: The next bull run is inevitable.

The world will run on blockchains and anybody ignoring this idea should think again. The most inevitable events in the near future are:

- Most businesses will integrate NFT functionality. (*)

- Decentralised finance will become mainstream (**) and fully integrated by banks.

- Web3 gaming will take over web2 gaming.

As of today, none of these massive shifts are a reality, therefore the opportunity is still in front of us. But these shifts can only happen once and they are the key to life changing gains.

Additional blockchain application concepts are currently being built, but it's not necessary to talk about them right now as, unlike those three concepts, their adoption is unlikely to be imminent.

(*) Simple examples of NFT integration:

Digitizing memberships

Tokenizing real world assets

(**) When CBDCs are out, that's it, your money is powered by blockchains and decentralised finance is at your fingertips.


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